The Name Umathum
The name Umathum is Frankish in origin. The Umathums first settled in the region of Lake Neusiedl during the reign of Maria-Theresa. Wine-growing has always played an important role in the Umathum family history. Until the early 1970’s the family delivered its harvested grapes to a cooperative, but later began to bottle their own wines. Such is the practice of many very good vintners all over the world.
Until the 1980’s, the firm was producing a variety of agricultural goods. Today, wine-growing is the company’s central focus, though it does still remain active in other fields. Director Josef Umathum, born in 1960, has been in charge of the firm’s wine-growing division since 1985.
A series of very good wines in notoriously difficult vintage years, and a growing number of loyal fans, have secured Umathum a solid reputation and trust.